This is a picture that i take from MAKASSARTIDAKKASAR's group on facebook. We can see, there is someone who doin' vandalism on KAREBOSI's wall , He wrote "KAREBOSI UNTUK KEHIDUPAN RAKYAT, NOT FOR KAPITALIS.." . What he wrote means a resistance movement to the corporations that try to monopolize one of the most historical places in this city. This is the real vandalism, and by any reason,we know that it's pure graffiti. But u could see some statement that appearing of the bottom of this picture. That statement's from those idiot people. You know who's i mean? This statement is made by MAKASSARTIDAKKASAR's people. They made a claim that Tembokbomber.com shouldn't accept for this act, As if they are the founder/user of tembokbomber's graffiti site.
I dunno what the real expectation of those idiot people when they do this claim. Even they often claim for somethin' while they also dunno it very well. It's very-very stupid and unacceptable, right?. Make a claim without enough information, and sufficient knowledge about what they gonna talkin' about. They claimed that vandalism act is not graffiti. So i just realize, how shallow they were. In addition, they try to accuse a resistance movement is a crime and associated this picture as image of makassar's people as a place that people are roughly and anarchy staying. So, i just wanna meet them motherfuckers, say fuck and put a million fat caps in their fuckin mouth.
So, i wanna give some advice for those MAKASSARTIDAKKASAR's people. i guess they have to learn a lot of graffiti before they do the claim about it.It just make them looks poorly, if they only look graffiti from the narrow perspective, eyecatching colour and no more. Vandalism is graffiti, so don't try to make another perspective if you aren't an artist, a critic, or a graffiti writer/artist. Street is the place that we grown and play.Your place is home. JUST SHUT YOUR MOUTH!
baca baik-baikko ini artikelnya, mereka ini adalah salah satu kolaborator dari makasar tdk ksr..pokoknya bi artikel nampak moralis dan permisif sekali, selalu mau na banding-bandingkan, ada yang kasar dan ada yang tidak kasar. Apalagi mereka sudah merambah pada wilayah street art. (Peero)
tengkyu peero!
Dash!! nampaknya dunia street art sudah menemui puncaknya, dari tagging menjadi anti tagging, dari maha karya graffity menjadi anti maha karya graffity.. wuihh..! posmodernism nampaknya juga menghajar sisi ini, mengerikan..
nama crew nya (The Graffiti Cleaning Unit NOT!!!!!! ) cekidot..slm (pee)
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